Getting back to doing personal CG projects again, after focusing on photography for that purpose for a few years. In general, I'm looking for ways to be able to focus on composition and storytelling, and not spending days building assets ;). Although that part is fun as well, and easy to get lost in - I spent way too much time building the guts of the main car... Anyway, this is a first one in a series, with more to come, now that I have a workflow sorted out.
Technically, it's assembled in Blender 2.80, rendered in EEVEE, and using varius NPR tricks and procedural textures. Zbrush for character models, some 3dsmax for mechanical stuff, transitioning that to Blender as I got further along, Used some kitbash libraries for background elements - credit goes to Andy Averkin, Oleg Ushenok and Nick Govacko for those pieces.
The ability to see the final image all the time, without 'progressive noise' or waiting for the render - is awesome and makes it so much more fun to work on.