Designing funky vehicles to try and stay sane... Those sail-powered ones are intended as couriers, to carry messages and (very) small cargo, very quickly, between settlements around a dry salt lake. As with any form of fast-moving , wheeled contraption, some form of racing is inevitable ;). This thing is wind powered, but has auxilliary electro-hydraulic system. Hydraulics are used to operate sails, power the wheels for maneuvring/parking , and control the swinging cocklpit, which acts as a counterweight to balance the sail.
Pictured are 2 variants, one with soft, Crab-claw style sail, one with rigid, metal sail. The metal sail one is probably a bit faster, but cannot take as tight turns as the soft-sailed one due to higher center of gravity... damn this world building feels good.
I started with a very basic Gravity Sketch model, then rebuilt it in Blender, using mostly my own photo/3d/scan kitbash parts. Rendered with Cycles, painted over in Photoshop.
Credits: for his texture library,
mixamo for the driver,
some photos from Dreamstime and Pixabay,
Nasa for ISS parts....